Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Dad and Mom

Dad and mom were really tired those first few weeks. . .but they loved me so much, I grew fast. . .

Grandma and Nonnie

My Nonnie came to visit me from Hawaii when I arrived home.
Grandma Joy came to visit from Wisconsin shortly after.

They helped mom and dad through those rough first months.

They both think I am absolutely perfect, of course!

My first visitors.

I had lots of visitors in the hospital.Mom and dad's friend Chelsea. . .

Dad's friend Christina. . .

Mom's friend Brenda. . .

And mom's friend Emily.

First Bath

Here I am getting my very first bath!

My birth. October 8, 2006

I was born very early on a saturday morning. Mom and dad were glad to see I came so quickly. Two weeks early! 7 lbs. 13 oz. and 18 inches tall!