Thursday, May 17, 2007

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bubble Face

Having fun in my bath....

Remodel Update

Here are some photos of me from this morning.

Tiling project is almost finished now...

This would've been a really cute photo if I would've stayed still....

Reading with Papa

Papa came for a visit and he installed a ceiling fan in my room. It's all I can talk about these days. Walk in room, point to fan, exclaim: Faaaah! Papa!

Enjoying the Weather

Before the sugar overdose...Dad snapped these photos of me outside in Uncle Ryan and Aunt Renee's backyard.

Cousin Henry's Birthday

Happy 4th Birthday Henry!

Here are some photos from Henry's birthday party.

That's when I learned the word "cake"...

Much to Mom's dismay, everyone thought it was sooooo cute that I could say "cookie"... so they just kept feeding them to me. I got really crazy from all of the sugar...there aren't any photos of that, Mom and Dad were too busy running after me to take any photos.

Silly Bunny Baby

I made this bunny hat at daycare for Easter and Mom hid it in the guest room. I found it when Auntie Jamie was staying with us and I just had to wear it all over the house in my pjs one morning. Auntie Jamie thought it was sooo funny! Auntie Jamie thought pretty much anything I did was hilarious, and she was always laughing at me. Every time she would laugh she would apologize to Mom.
For some reason I don't think she was supposed to be laughing at ALL of my tricks....

Baby Blues

I have been getting lots of new teeth the last couple of weeks and this has caused me to be quite cranky. I have only a few more teeth to go now.
I had my 18 month check-up in April and I checked out in excellent shape. Just under 50th percentile for weight and just over 50th percentile for height. Must be all of that yummy edamame (mom-may) Mom's been feeding me. I really love that stuff.

Trip to the Tulips

Auntie Jamie came for a visit and we had a great time. I called her "Mamie" and I was very sad when she had to leave. I kept running up to her room saying: Mamie, Mamie...but she was gone.

Mom took three days off while Auntie Jamie was here and one day we drove to Mount Vernon for the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. It was almost the end of the festival, so there were not a lot of crowds. I ran through the tulip most of the photos Mom got were of me running away from her....
We went to an alpaca farm and saw some crazy alpacas.
Aunit Jamie bought me my very own little alpaca toy. I love it sooo much. His name is Al.

19 Months going on Teenager

I am growing up so fast. I have my own little opinion about everything these days and I'm not afraid to tell you about it either (although good luck trying to understand me).

Mom and Dad only catch about half of what I say...which makes me very frustrated!!

Here I am wearing a hat Mom found in my drawer. She can't remember who gave it to me. It's really soft, made out of polar fleece. I wore this hat for an entire day straight. The easiest way for me to put it on is backwards.

Here is one of my famous "teenager" looks. Mom is starting to think I have an attitude. I don't know who I would get that from.

Mr. Funny Man

I've been making lots of new faces and doing lots of new tricks. Keeping Mom and Dad entertained during the (sometimes stressful) remodeling project.

I have been talk, talk, talking too. Lots of new words including: cake, cat, cat-choo (cashew), meese (peas), light, ride, coak (coat), and "hi"....which I like to say to everyone I see when we go to Home Depot (we've been there a lot lately).

Helping Dad

Mom apologizes for the long delay since the last post. Dad and Mom (mostly Dad) have been remodeling. Painting the dining room and kitchen (camel) and installing slate tile. The project is almost completed now...but here is a photo of Dad teaching me how to install wonderboard.