Sunday, August 31, 2008

On Lunch...

And yet another wonderful example of my conversation skills.

Who knows what I have for lunch on any given day...when the answer is this entertaining.

What Did You Do Today?

This video is a perfect example of what it's like to have a typical conversation with a 2 yr old. Why? Why? Why! Because.

Conversations with Colton

Here is some more video footage of a recent post-dinner conversation with Colton...

Hanging out with My Friend Addy

We spent some time hanging out with Addy last weekend. We went to the farm park and also to the vegetable farm. The berry season is at it's end so we had to stop at Whole Foods on the way home to get some stuff for dinner. Dad let us ride in the car cart together (since two kids do not fit in one cart)--and oh yes.... big AHA! moment for mom, who always wondering why anyone would make these giant car carts to cause arguments between an unsuspecting mother and the 2 year old who is wondering why you can only ride in the car carts when Nani takes you to the store!

The Final Word on Camping

It's a good thing that Nani and Grandma Joy didn't see this from the same angle as Mom, watching from the river bank. I was "all boy" and Mom was convinced that at any moment I would have 4 less teeth and/or a broken arm from slipping off this large rock in the middle of the river.

More Fun Camping

And here's some more fun camping video...

First Camping Trip

I went on my first camping trip on the American River in Mt. Rainier National Park. It was a full moon weekend and the scenary on the drive up was beautiful...overall, I liked the idea of camping more than what camping actually turned out to be...let's just say we all need more practice.
Now that I actually understand this whole camping concept, and now that I know that my house didn't disappear while I was gone, I'm sure the next trip will go much better.
It was pretty cool that the river ran right behind our campsite.
Julian and I spent a lot of time playing in the river.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

More Cupcake Commentary

Because one cupcake is never enough...

Video Debut

I think Mom and Dad finally got the hang of this video camera has only taken them 2 years. You will have to excuse the poor quality, obviously this is a learning process...stay tuned for more rivoting footage in the coming weeks.


We found a slug at Sandy's the other day and I have had slugs on the brain ever since. Currently I have decided that I would like to be a slug for Halloween this year. Mom has a funny reaction every time I say this.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Fun in the Backyard

It turned out to be a nice afternoon today so we spent some time hanging out in the backyard. I have been growing some strawberries and tomatos and peas this summer. The strawberries and peas are almost gone now, but the tomatos are looking good and should be ripe in a couple of weeks. I can't wait!

I've also been having fun riding my trike and my big wheel on the deck! And yes, my hair is getting quite long!

Helping Dad

Dad hung some new lights and new house numbers on our house this weekend. I had to help him by fixin' his truck while he was on the ladder. I really wanted to climb the ladder too!

I'm such a big boy now, I get to climb the ladder at Sandy's all by myself to go down the big slide. This means I am now officially "one of the big kids". I have been telling everyone about how I am big now and can climb the ladder.

Picking Raspberries (and Blackberries too!)

On Friday Mom took the day off and we hung out and went to two local farms. One had lots of animals and the other one had lots of fruits and vegetables that we could pick. It is getting to be the tail end of raspberry season around here, so it was difficult to spot them - but we had lots of fun finding the few ripe blackberries in the patch. They were much easier for me to distinguish between ripe and not quite ripe.

Visit from Auntie Jamie

First off, Mom wants to apologize for not taking more pics while Auntie Jamie was visiting, since the ones that she did take turned out pretty blurry. Here is the best one. We all miss Auntie Jamie very very much. We hope she comes to visit again real soon!!