Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays Everyone!

More Family Photos

Here are some more photos from our holiday photo shoot...

Holiday Photo Shoot

Mom's friend Dan met us at a local nursery to take some holiday photos of our family.

The nursery has multiple displays arranged at Christmas time for families to pose for holiday photos.

We got there a bit early so once Dan arrived I was in full swing and did not want to sit nicely for photos.

The lighting in some places was not as Dan would've liked, and when you add that to my 2 year old busy body self...was not such a great combination and made for some really blurry photos.

Thankfully Dan was able to take a lot of we got a couple that were print worthy.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Me and Santa

Here I am with Santa (again). This time I was a little overwhelmed and I didn't manage to say much of anything to him (must have been all that waiting and I wasn't feeling so great). Santa rode the train back with us and he gave me a candy cane!

Waiting for Santa

We waited a long, long, long, long, long, long time to see are some photos we took while we were waiting.

Here I am with Uncle Ryan.
and Jack and Henry

Dad and Me on the Santa Train

Santa Train Photo Shoot

Dad took some great photos of me and Mom while we were riding the Santa Train to Snoqualmie.

Waiting for the Santa Train

Here I am with my cousins Jack and Henry waiting for the Santa Train.

Silly Me


Here I am with Santa.
Mom and Dad took me to see him on Tuesday.
I told Santa I want a Christmas tree for we got one on Friday!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Auntie Jamie and Uncle Tim

Here I am with "Ampie" Jamie and Uncle Tim.
I really miss my Ampie Jamie a lot.

Photos with Grandma and Grandpa

We tried to take a nice photo with Grandma Joy and Grandpa John and Patches...this was quite an experience.

We tried and tried, but after all...I am 2 you know!!

Uncle John's Rocking Horse

I got to ride on Uncle John's rocking horse when I was at Grandma Joy's house.

This was a lot of fun.

Fall in Wisconsin - Photo Shoot

Even though it was very cold in Wisconsin, we had several really sunny days.

Mom and me walking towards the Eau Pleine.

Here's my serious introspective face...

In Wisconsin, leaves are actually crunchy instead of soggy. They make some really cool sounds when you walk through them.

Riding the John Deere

Grandma Joy and Grandpa John have a really cool John Deere tractor that is just my size. It took me awhile to figure it out, especially the steering part. Thankfully it doesn't go very far when you take your foot off of the gas.

After a few turns I was driving like a pro.

Wisconsin Cousins

Here are some photos of me and my cousins in Wisconsin.

My cousin John is 4 and my cousin Paige is just 8 weeks old. John taught me all kinds of cool things. He showed me how to operate Grandma Joy's antique sewing machine. He shared his GeoTrax trains and his toy gun with me and I shared me computer with him. We shared marshmallows too!

I taught him how to make a good ham face!

We had lots of fun and I already miss him a lot.

My cousin Paige isn't big enough to play yet. I got angry when Mommy held her and I told Mommy: "Put her down here" - and then I pointed to the floor. I was okay after awhile though.
I can't wait to go back to Wisconsin to see them again!

Halloween 2007

Here I am with all of my daycare friends at Sandy's on Halloween.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Me and Dad at the Pumpkin Patch

Here are some more photos of me and Dad at the pumpkin patch this weekend.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Wanted: Birthday Photos

If anyone got a photo of me blowing out my candles at my birthday party, could you please send it to my Mom?


My Birthday Party

Thank you thank you thank you -

to all of our friends that came to my birthday party on Saturday!

We all had such a great time and we hope you did too.

I'm really sorry I didn't have time to open my presents at the party.

I was sooooo excited when I opened them this morning (Sunday) - I said a lot of "yeay" and did some clapping and running to my kitchen to put things away

and "open, open" - for all of those toys with the metals twisty things locking them into their cardboard containers...

with the help of Dad and Grandpa Dean I got everything out of its box and thoroughly played with by the time I finally went down for nap completely exhausted at noon.

I am such a lucky boy to have so many great friends!

Thank you all again!

Here is a photo of all of the "little" friends at my party...except for Erin, who managed to dodge the camera...oh wait, there she is!

Mom and Dad apparently need more practice at this birthday party thing because neither one of them took enough photos during the party and they brought the video camera but never used it...uuugh can you believe it??

I think everyone who attended the party will agree that the slide was my favorite part.
A conservative estimate: I went down that slide 35 times. Multiple time with multiple people....Mom, Dad, Grandpa Dean, Ungle Ryan, Auntie Renee, Chelsea, Jen, Nino, and I even went down it a couple of times all by myself. After all, I'm 2 I can.

here's a photo of my Sponge Bob cake before we took it to the party...we got the cake from Costco, but mom knew I would luuuuuuv a Sponge Bob cake so she decorated it herself. It turned out pretty cool huh?!

Makin' Birthday Breakfast

I got a kitchen for my birthday and it was a big hit! I had to make Mom and Dad cereal for breakfast as soon as we got up. Thankfully Dad assembled my kitchen the night before because it was a much more involved project then he (or Mom) had anticipated.

Oh yeah, and there's that hat again.