Here are some photos of me in my bath tonight.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Sunday Morning PJs

I was in a pretty good mood this morning.
That has not been the case for the rest of this weekend.
I'm teething again.
Molars this time.
Not fun. Not fun at all.
Eating and Bossing
I am a little unclear about whether the highchair is for eating or bossing. Of course, I won't hold still long enough for anyone to get a good photo...
I've got things to say people!!
Colton and Kali
Silly Play Time

Here are some more photos of me playing with my toys. I babble constantly now, even though no one understands it. And I'm also starting to make up signs for things that Mom and Dad didn't teach me the sign language for. Mostly these made up signs are a combination of a few signs I know. I have a feeling that Mom and Dad know exactly what I want when I am doing these signs, but they just pretend that I don't make any sense.

Monday, January 15, 2007
Drumming with my cousin Jack
Uncle Ryan and my cousins Jack and Henry came for dinner on Friday night.
I had lots of fun playing with Jack and Henry.
Here is a photo of Jack and I drumming on my drums.

Eating Again

Here I am in my highchair with my fork. I like to feed myself now. I'm pretty good with a fork, not so good with a spoon. I haven't figured out how to keep the food from falling off.
While Nani was here I discovered how much fun it is to wipe my tray clean when I am done eating. I have so much fun wiping that I try to clean everything I can. This must be a really good trick because Nani, Mom, and Dad were quite entertained by it.
I'm sure you'll see a photo of it soon.
Reading with Nani
My Nani came to visit from Maui.
We had lots of fun while she was here. She brought me yummy airplane snacks and taught me to say: "oh, oh, spaghetti-o's" (I can do the "oh oh" part really good!)
Here is a photo of me and my Nani reading stories.

New Noises

I am really developing quite the little attitude. I have been making sure that everyone knows my opinion about everything. I do lots of talking now, but no one understands what I'm saying and that gets really frustrating.
I recently found out that I can make a really nice noise that Mom likes to consider a cross between a scream and a screech...this gets quite the reaction.
Discovering this noise has also prompted an additional discovery: the time out.

Snow Day
We got 4-5 inches of snow last week.

At first I didn't know what to think of it...

Then I decided that even though it was really cold, it tasted pretty good!

Sunday, January 07, 2007
Baby Bath Time

I have been having lots of fun during bath time. Mom and Dad are teaching me the sign for bath. I'm not too quick to sign it to them, but when they ask me: "Is it baby bath time?" I go straight for the stairs. Usually when I get to the top of the stairs I realize that I can go straight to my room and grab one of the "nuks" that are under my crib. Sometimes I get so excited if I find two, I'll put both of them in my mouth at the same time! This makes Dad laugh and laugh.

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Kitchen Ham
Thursday, January 04, 2007
My New Blue Hat

I love my new blue hat. I love my new orange and gray hat too! You can see that one in the previous post of me at Costco.
My Auntie Heather in North Carolina made these cute hats and sent them to me for Christmas. Mom didn't think that I would keep them on my head but I just love wearing them.
I have even been practicing saying "hat" (but right now it sounds more like "gah" - we're working on it).

I think I like the blue one the best. I wear it in the house, with my pjs, while eating snacks, when we go to the grocery store, when I'm playing with my dinos, going to daycare, and GI Joe's, well, everywhere!
These hats are a real crowd pleaser.

Dear Auntie Heather, Thank you for my new hats!!
Couch Faces

My new favorite thing is to climb onto the couch and be goofy. I can't really get onto the couch by myself yet because my legs are just not quite long enough...but I'm really good and walking up to it and letting everyone know that I would like some assistance.
Mom and Dad boost me up by one of my feet and then once I'm up, it's showtime:

Funny pouty lip face:
Everything is more entertaining if you are sitting (or standing) on the couch doing it.
A Very Colton Christmas
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