We've been talking about my birthday a lot lately.
We've been practicing how to say "I'm 2" and show 2 little fingers like a peace sign.
I've been talking and talking and talking like crazy. Mom and Dad can't believe it. I have been remembering things that have happened and talking about them, and repeating all kinds of words that Mom and Dad don't think I'm listening to. . .I can be super silly and make lots of funny faces, and then the next moment I'm cranky and acting like a 2 yr old. . .so I guess it all makes sense.
When we got home from Vancouver, where we visited Grandma Alice (I was quite entertaining the entire time) - we realized that my Halloween costume had arrived while we were gone. We have been talking about it for a week now. . .so I was very excited to try it on, right away.

"gKunk" "ssgKunk" "sKunk"
(quite cute)

There's that ham face.
Then I had to see myself in the mirror.

After that, I needed a snack, right way. . .I've been eating constantly lately.

I wore my skunk suit while I opened my birthday presents from Nani and Papa and Grandma Alice.
Lots and lots of new books!!

I had to read them right away!

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