Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Countdown to Wisconsin

This morning I woke up and shouted from my bed in my most excited voice (so loud that Mom could hear me from down the hall):

After this day,
Only TWO MORE DAYS until we go to Wisconsin!!
Then I ran down the hall and jumped into Mom and Dad's bed to wake them up.

Addy's Birthday Party

Addy turned 5 years old this month. She had her birthday party at Kelsey Creek Farm. It is a really cool place in the middle of the City. We got to pet a pony, bunny, and sheep and feed chickens and watch a 500 lb. pig eat a pumpkin.

Addy's mom made pig cupcakes and each of us brought a toy that we didn't want anymore to trade it with someone the party. What a great idea!

Happy Birthday Addy!!

Halloween 2009

Addy came over on Halloween and we went trick-or-treating together. I lasted a lot longer than last year (much to Mom's dismay).

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Class Photo 2009

Here is my class photo. Can you tell I like school?

Birthday Party

Here I am blowing out the candle on my birthday cupcake.

Thanks to Kelly for getting these awesome photos :)

Fair Photos

Here are some photos of me from our trip to the fair in September.

Monday, October 19, 2009

My First Field Trip

I went on my first ever field trip today. Our class visited "Jubel-airy" (Jubilee) Farms.

We each got to bring home one more pumpkin for Halloween.

Here I am next to my friend Golda. That's my teacher, Miss Aruna, on the left.

BoxTops for Education

My school participates in the boxtops for education program. If you don't know anyone else who participates in this program, could you please save these for me?

Sanks You!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Silly Stuff

Did you know that I can write my name? You don't even need to tell me which letters or which order to write them in. I am still perfecting it, but if you tell me to write my name, this is what it looks like:

Other things I have learned in school:

-there are 3 primary colors. They are red, blue, and yellow. Black and white are NOT primary colors

-Humans are animals (mammals)

-a glockenspiel is "sorta" like a piano, with shorter keys

-the parts of an apple include: the core, the skin, the seeds, the stem, and the meat

-in Australia, they don't say "hello". Instead they say: Good Day! (like this: good-DYE)

Contest Update

Mom wanted me to pass along that the Gap website has fixed everything now and you should be able to vote for me if you go here:

http://family.go.com/gapcastingcall/ Search for ID: 907502483

Pumpkin Patch 2009

We went to the pumpkin patch with Chelsea and Carter this year.
We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was sunny, warm, and beautiful.

Since we went earlier in the season this year there were so many pumpkins to choose from. We each had our own idea of what we wanted in a pumpkin this year.

Dad was looking for tall-skinny ones.

Mom wanted pumpkins with nice long stems.

I really liked the little white gourd pumpkins this year.

By the end of our visit we found lots of good pumpkins. We even found a nice white pumpkin to make a Jack Skellington jack-o'-lantern.

Happy Birthday to Me!

And now I am FOUR!
~Didn't Mom do a great job on my "en-vitations"?~

A Visit From Nani and Papa

Here I am with Nani, Papa, Jack, and Henry.

First Day of School

A bit out of order, but here are some photos of me on my first day of school.

Monday, September 28, 2009

School Photos

We have been really busy getting adjusted to school schedules and getting ready for fall. Mom apologizes for being such a procrastinator about updating the blog. She promises to get all of the first day of school photos and the other photos from our recent antics up on the blog very soon.

Also, Mom entered me in some online photo contest with Gap clothing...so if you would like to vote for me look for my photo at: http://family.go.com/gapcastingcall/

Search for ID: 907502483

And for now....here is my first ever school photo...

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Farmer's Market with Auntie J

We went to the local Farmer's Market last night and Mom had to take lots and lots of pictures. We ate lots of berries and played tag in the grass.

The Farmer's Market is right next to the skate park so after we were finished strolling, Auntie Jamie and I watched all the cool skateboarder boys at the skate park. I can't wait until I am old enough to bring my scooter to the skate park. I think maybe when I am four I can do that.

Hot, hot, heat!

In addition to starting summer school last week, we also had record high temperatures over here in Puget Sound.

I spent lots and lots of time staying cool in my new pool.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Summer School

My first week of summer school is finished. I don't remember anything that happens during the day at school, but if you ask me specific questions like: did you read a story? did you play outside? did you play any games? - well, then I will give you a yes or no answer, but other then that it pretty much goes like this:

Mom: Sweetie, how was your day at school?
Me: good.
Mom: What did you do?
Me: I don't know.
Mom: Did you have fun?
Me: yes.
Mom: Did you meet any new friends?
Me: yes.
Mom: What were their names?
Me: I don't know.

My teacher assured Mom that I am doing well in school, curious about the work in the classroom I like to show things to him and have him help me with games and things...There are definitely a lot of rules to remember though.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Beach Combing

We spent some time at the beach when we were visiting the coast.

It is unusual that the beach offers this kind of sunny weather in Washington. Dad and I found lots of beach glass for Mom. Aunt Renee, Jack, Henry, and I even made a sand castle.


I met Mom and Dad at the beach house for 4th of July. We were pirates in the annual parade. Joe, Kelly, and Addy joined us this year for an extra good time! The weather was fantastic.

A Trip with Nani

Nani took Jack, Henry, and I on a trip to a hotel in Westport on the Washington coast. We had so much fun hanging out and doing fun stuff.
I keep asking Mom: "When are we going to go to Nani's house?"

What's New With Colton?

We have had a busy busy busy summer so far! It feels like it just started but things are already in full swing! I start my summer school session for Montessori on July 27th. I will go to summer school for 2 weeks so they can determine which classroom would be the best fit for me. School starts September 1st! I am sooo excited. We have school uniform colors and I already got my new school lunch box.
"Boom, Boom, Pow" by Black Eyed Peas is one of my current favorite songs. I am really good at recognizing a song after just a few notes! I am also a fan of: "the hide and seek song" ...which Mom says is really called: "Ready or Not" by The Fugees.

In other news: My latest meal time antic -
"I like it Mom, I just don't want to eat it."