Sunday, August 27, 2006


What can I say?

I'm a total ham.

Oh yeah that - and I now understand that:

.....if I clap my hands it means "more"....

.........if I wave one hand it means "drink"....

...and if I wave both arms it means "all done"...

sometimes I'll just try all of them at the same time to see if I can get results even faster.

Dad upgraded my shark.
This new one is cool, but not as easy to carry around in my mouth.

Can you hear me now?

Mom got me my very own (toy) cell phone this weekend. Mainly so that I would leave Dad's cell phone alone.

Every time Dad's cell phone rings I want to take it from him. When Dad doesn't give it to me, it causes a baby meltdown. Just for the record, baby meltdowns are still cute.

The toy cell phone is a great idea in theory, the only major problem is that Dad's cellphone has a cool antenna that I can pull out with my new little tiny teeth. The toy cell phone doesn't have an antenna like that.

Dad thinks he's showing me how to use a cell phone. I'm pretending to listen. . .

Overall things are cute

Here are some photos of me playing with my toys.

I really like to stand now.
This weekend Mom and Dad caught me standing on my own - several times. I didn't realize that I was standing on my own because I was too busy playing.

Does this mean I will be walking soon?

Dad thinks I'll be walking by the middle of September. Mom thinks it will be sometime around my first birthday. Maybe when while we are all in Maui for the wedding.

Half Asleep in Blue Pajamas

Here I am on Saturday morning in my blue pjs.

You can see my two little bottom teeth in this photo. I am also getting 4 top teeth all at the same time. This must have been the cause of my cranky attitude last week.

Not quite awake yet.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sunday Morning With Mom.

Here's another photo of my doing my "close-up" face.

This morning Mom and I hung out while Dad traveled to Vancouver for Great Grandma Nadine's funeral.

Mom and I were not able to make the trip this time. Driving to Vancouver and back all in the same day is just too much car seat time for me right now.

We were all very sad about Great Grandma Nadine - she was a really cool lady, a painter who lived a good life. I'm sure she missed Great Grandpa Clarke very much and is happy that they can be together now.

All of a sudden I am ALL BOY! I like to go-go-GO! I get really cranky if I can't be up and moving.

Mom took these photos of me this morning after I woke up from my morning nap. I was still a little sleepy so I wasn't moving very fast just yet.

Dirt or Dinner?

Here are some photos of me eating my dinner on Saturday night.
We had baked beans and hamburgers. I have decided that this combination is pretty darn tasty!

As Mom said earlier, it was the first time I really started feeling better in the past few days so I was making some pretty funny faces.

Dad kept saying: "coming in for your close-up" and this caused me to close my eyes and squish up my face and laugh.

Like this:

In case you were wondering:

Yes - that is my dinner all over my face . . . even though Dad said it looked like some kind of face paint. Don't worry Nonnie, I am not usually such a messy eater!

Here Comes the Man in Black!

Here are some photos that Mom and Dad took of me on Saturday night.

I finally started feeling better and this caused me to be quite the ham. I had a temperature since Thursday afternoon and then after dinner on Saturday I was like a whole new baby.

Check out that dimple!

Dad played "peek-a-boo" with me from behind the couch.

You can see that I still like to carry around the little shark in my mouth.

Hey Dad, I think it's time to put that camera away!

Drool Much Lately?

My top front teeth have broken through!
Here are some photos of me from the past week:

I was chewing on everything in sight, including my hands.

You can see by the shirts in these photos that I had to drool a lot to get them to come in.

These photos were all taken on the same evening. . .Mom had to keep changing my shirt to try and get some dry shirt photos. You can see by the shirts in the photos that it didn't work very well. Mom says that all of the good photos were taken after I had already soaked my shirt.

I'm not drooling as much anymore now that those teeth have broken through. I'm also in a much better mood.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

A Visit From Auntie Jamie and Uncle Tim

Here I am with my Auntie Jamie.

Auntie Jamie and Uncle Tim have been visiting with us from Madison, WI.

They stayed with us for a whole week. We had so much fun when they were here. I showed them all of my best tricks. They were amazed at what a laid back and happy baby I am.

Auntie Jamie thought it was cool that I like books so much. Mom told her which ones are my favorites. . . the Baby Einstein books of course! Although there are a few other books that I like equally well. Mom likes "Hippos Go Berserk" by Sandra Boyton. . .but I just don't think the pictures in that book are colorful enough.

Oh, and thanks to me - Auntie Jamie is now a huge fan of Baby Einstein videos. Baby Neptune is her favorite.

Emily took care of me this week while my daycare was closed. Emily is going to school to be a nurse and she is on summer break right now. We had lots of fun. Emily's favorite Baby Einstein video is Baby Beethoven. That used to be my favorite too, but now I like Baby Neptune and Baby DaVinci.

Mom really misses having her sister around all the time and I can tell already that they are going to have to visit more often.

Update on my life in general:
My sprained arm healed very quickly and I was already back to high-speed crawling by Tuesday evening. The little virus sores I had around my mouth are almost gone. Mom thinks that maybe I had a reaction to tomatos, so no more tomatos for this guy for awhile.

My third tooth is coming in. You can see it now. I am drooling a lot and I have been a little cranky, but not too bad.

I am developing quite a little opinion though and when Mom or Dad says "NO!" and I don't get my way, I throw a little baby fit. Mom and Dad don't buy it. They just wait until I am ready to play again. They also try not to laugh at me.

I am also very interested in climbing up the stairs. Mom and Dad are going to need to get a baby gate this week.

My favorite foods are raspberries and blackberries. Mom doesn't like to let me feed them to myself because I make a HUGE mess. But sometimes I am too quick and grab one while she's not looking.

I am also starting to do some sign back to mom. I can do "all done" and "food/eat".

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

First Trip to the ER

I am now 10 months old and I weigh 22 lbs.

I had my first trip to the emergency room on sunday.

All of a sudden Auntie Jamie noticed that I stopped moving my left arm. Mom got really worried. Dad drove us to the emergency room at Children's Hospital for x-rays. Turns out it was probably just a sprained wrist.

I sure look styley in my sling. . .

It's Auntie Jamie and me~

Here I am with just the splint.

Today (Tuesday) I am already feeling a lot better. I didn't wear my splint at all today and I've been crawling and pulling myself up lots.