Sunday, September 24, 2006

More Playing, More Helping.

This is my "oooooo" face. I make this face all of the time when I hear a strange sound (mostly when the neighborhood dogs are barking or when I hear an airplane overhead).

I was a cranky boy this weekend. . .even though you can't tell it from these photos. I have a very bad cough and on top of that I am getting more teeth! I was very whiney and clingy all weekend. I didn't sleep well, and Mom and Dad didn't either.

We took these photos this afternoon when I was in a better mood.

I love to help with the dishes. The dishwasher is the best toy!

We are all getting very excited about going to Maui. I can't wait to see all of my grandpas and grandmas.

In this photo you can see me grabbing Mom's hair. She just got it cut for the wedding and I thought it was so pretty I just had to see what it felt like. She kept telling me "soft Colton, soft" but I didn't listen because I am such a boy.

Dad made yummy meatloaf for dinner and I only ate one bite.

Maybe it will taste better tomorrow night, hopefully my teeth will stop hurting me by then.

I just didn't want to eat anything for dinner. I didn't want Mom and Dad to eat anything either.

Finally Mom gave me one of these mesh things with some ice inside and then I put my feet up in my highchair and was a happy a boy.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My New Chompers.

I still like to ham it up for the camera.
Dad says: "Smile for the camera" so I smile really big and show off my new teeth.

First Trip to the Fair.

I had my first trip to the fair today.

I had lots of fun riding around in the stroller seeing all of the things there are to see at the fair. Lots and lots of people. Lots of animals. Lots of food.

Chelsea, Katie, and Nino met us there.

I had lots of fun showing Chelsea and Katie my "monster" face. They thought it was pretty funny.

Mom gave me some of her strawberry ice cream. This made me very smiley.

Then I showed Chelsea and Katie how I learned to "dance" this weekend. Everyone always thinks my dancing is very funny. I can't wait to show it to Nonnie and Grandma Joy when we go to Maui.

Mom held me up high so I could see the cows up close and personal. I wasn't real sure I wanted to be so close, but then I thought this cow was alllll right. He had a slimey nose. Mom told me that is very typical of cows.

We also saw lots of goats, sheep, bunnies, chickens, and horses.

Too much fair excitement makes for a sleepy boy. . .I fell asleep in the stroller for awhile. It was a big day!

A Walk by the Lake

Saturday was a beautiful day. In the afternoon Mom, Dad, and I took a walk on the lake trail. I had lots of fun and I was sure to tell everyone we met how much fun I was having.

Dad picked some blackberries for us to snack on while we were walking. Blackberries are one of my favorites.

We saw a very nice cat walking next to the trail. She came over and said "hi" for a moment.

I brought my cellphone along just in case I happened to get a call. I boy can't leave the house without his cell phone.

Saturday evening I went with Dad to GI Joe's. We saw a lady there who said I was the cutest baby she had ever seen. She thought I had very big beautiful eyes.

Saturday Morning Play Time

Saturday morning Dad got me dressed up in my camo pants and I played with my toys. I am such an active boy now. Always on the go.

Here I am with my peek-a-blocks. I'm giving Dad my best "why are you taking photos of me again" look.

I love the walking toy that Auntie Jamie and Uncle Tim got me while they were here visiting. I love to run with it across the room.

Get out of my way Avery!!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

What Do Monsters Say?

Mom is trying to teach me to say "RAAAhhhhhhrrrrrrr", because that is what monsters say.

So when Mom asks me: "Colton, what do monsters say?"

I stick out my tongue like this:

Not really the same thing, but it's pretty funny anyway.

Dad was teaching me how to make elephant sounds today. Dad can do a really good elephant impersonation. I can do a pretty good impersonation of a baby elephant. . .or at least that's what Mom and Dad think I'm trying to do.

Being a Baby Isn't Easy

I am not always happy.

No one believes it, so Mom is posting these photos.

Here I am this morning, not tooooo cranky yet. But just wait. . .

I must be getting some new teeth because today was a very rough day. I didn't sleep very well last night and I was cranky for most of the day today. . .except when Mom and Dad took me for a walk along the lake. I liked that a lot.

But when we got home, that's when I got really cranky:

A Boy and His Toys

These days I do a lot of playing with my toys.

I really like to bang things together to make lots of noise. Mom plays a game with me where she bangs two things together and then I copy her.

I also spend a lot of time crawling around the house very fast. I still like to pick up everything in sight including the little paper scraps that come off of the cat scratching boxes. I have eaten a lot of these, but Mom and Dad still try to stop me every time I try to eat more.

Mom got me a new dump truck this weekend and it came with some Mega Bloks. I have lots of fun dumping the blocks out of the dump truck.

I searched all through my toybox to find this little striped giraffe finger puppet thing that Auntie Jamie sent me in the mail. I really like to have it in my mouth. It works almost as well as my little shark.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Welcome Home Dad

Mom and I had fun last weekend, but I was glad to see Dad come home.
Here I am giving Dad kisses.

Here are some photos of me playing this weekend.

This is me with Fuzzy Bear. I like to give him kisses too.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Awwww, Come on Mom

Mom, enough photos already huh?

Baby Bath Time

It's baby bath time again.

I am really enjoying my bath time lately.

I have lots of bath toys and they help to keep me focused while Mom and Dad wash me squeaky clean.

Tonight, Mom and I had dinner at Brenda and Karl's in Seattle. I played outside on the grass. . .I had to crawl funny like a bear so I could avoid the feel of the grass on my legs. Mom thinks maybe this will help me learn to walk and she is considering some regular crawl time on the grass at home.

I was a very good boy today for Mom. We had to run a lot of errands and I had my afternoon nap(s) in the car. We got home past my bedtime, but I took a nice bath and went right to sleep for Mom. . .so she could update my blog for you before she went to bed. Dad is away at his Bachelor Party in Las Vegas. He thought he was going to Canada. Ha ha. We fooled him!


I am going everywhere very quickly these days.
I have one speed and that speed is FAAAAAST!

Mom and Dad are chasing after me and this makes me crawl FASTER!

I love to play with my "roll-a-round" balls and throw them and chase after them.

I like to bang things and make lots of noise. Like on this drum in the photo. Mom keeps saying I am "such a boy".


Dishes, dishes, dishes!

This week I discoverd that I can quickly and easily remove all of the plastic dishes from their cupboard.

I can hold them up to my face and see through them.

Dad thought this was funny and started taking photos.

Here is Mom trying to take my toy away from me.