Sunday, September 17, 2006

First Trip to the Fair.

I had my first trip to the fair today.

I had lots of fun riding around in the stroller seeing all of the things there are to see at the fair. Lots and lots of people. Lots of animals. Lots of food.

Chelsea, Katie, and Nino met us there.

I had lots of fun showing Chelsea and Katie my "monster" face. They thought it was pretty funny.

Mom gave me some of her strawberry ice cream. This made me very smiley.

Then I showed Chelsea and Katie how I learned to "dance" this weekend. Everyone always thinks my dancing is very funny. I can't wait to show it to Nonnie and Grandma Joy when we go to Maui.

Mom held me up high so I could see the cows up close and personal. I wasn't real sure I wanted to be so close, but then I thought this cow was alllll right. He had a slimey nose. Mom told me that is very typical of cows.

We also saw lots of goats, sheep, bunnies, chickens, and horses.

Too much fair excitement makes for a sleepy boy. . .I fell asleep in the stroller for awhile. It was a big day!

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