Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Ham

One more photo from our Easter Weekend.

And a big thank you to Grandpa Dean and Grandma Trudie for such a fabulous big old family Easter weekend full of lots of fun! I'm so glad I got to spend time with all of my Patterson cousins and Aunts and Uncles.

Also a special thank you to Nani and Papa who sent me an Easter package in the mail that arrived on Thursday before we left. I was so "cited". A huge gigantic tin of Easter popcorn...which I have declared as my own and have decided it belongs in the living room right next to my little recliner. Mom is always reminding me to put the lid back on it so Kali, Avery, and Mingus don't get any of it.
The "booty kind" is my favorite. (For those of you who aren't familar with Robert's American Gourmet Snacks - Pirate's Booty comes in a caramel flavor (Mom's favorite) - so now all caramel popcorn is called "Booty" in my world.

Easter Morning

Easter morning at the beach. The easter bunny brought me two baskets...I think he was confused because I wasn't at home. That's okay though, more candy for Mom and Dad (see previous post regarding what happens when you mix too much candy with clam chowder).

Mom and Dad did let me have one rolo...knowing that since Mom and Dad like them so much I was sure to be a fan as well.

The Easter Bunny brought me some "magic fun capsules" (those little capsule things that you place in a glass of water and then "grow" into a sponge shaped like some kind of animal). They are my new favorite things for bath time. Warning to anyone who is thinking about sending me some of these: You need to get the ones that only take 15 minutes...the 3 hour ones will not work for bath time.

Hunting for Eggs

We had our Easter egg hunt on Saturday afternoon since the weather forecast for Sunday was calling for rain. I found lots of eggs...and I ate lots of candy. When I say "lots" I really mean it...Mom and Dad pretty much just let me go crazy so I think I spent most of the egg hunt eating jelly beans. When Mom asked me what flavor I was eating, I replied: Jamba

This gives you an idea of how much candy I have had in my short 2.5 years.

Well, that and the fact that I proceeded to puke candy and clam chowder in a projectile fashion only moments after eating my dinner. It was not pretty. But as soon as I got it all out of my tummy I felt a lot better.

Obviously I have rookie parents....who shouldn't have let me eat so much candy all at once.

Notes for next year:
1) Don't allow me to keep eating candy just because my joyous reaction to the sugar consumption is so entertaining.
2) Fill the eggs with more non-candy items that are fun to play with
3) Don't follow up the egg hunt with clam chowder or any other type of cream based dinner

Beach Boys

My cousins Jack and Henry (and Uncle Rhino and Aunt Renee) came to stay on Friday night. Here is a photo of me, Jack, and Henry supervising the wood splitting Dad and Uncle Rhino did on Saturday morning.

Uncle Nick arrived minutes after this photo was taken...and broke the axe ~hmmm, suspicious~

Uncle Rhino shared his iPod with me.

He was supremely impressed when I told him I like Bocephus.

Beach Weekend

We went to the beach house for Easter weekend. Mom and Dad took Friday off so we left on Thursday night. It was a long drive, but Friday the weather was pretty good and I got to spend lots of time outside exploring.

I had to go and check out the pond...but there were no frogs in it this time. Grandpa says we need to wait until April or May to see the frogs.

Grandpa's big log is gone now so there is only a pile of floats were the log used to be. Grandpa has plans for the floats, but for now it was fun just to climb on them and check them out.

We took a walk to the road to look at the ocean. Avery went with us. I found a cool stick that I had to bring back to the house with me. I showed Grandpa my "crab walk". He thought that was pretty funny.

Grandpa took this photo of me and Mom and Dad sitting on the rock wall.

Mom and Dad and I went to Westport on Friday to check things out. We decided to stop and get an ice cream cone. I wanted "blue". Luckily they had a blue flavor: Bubble Gum! Thankfully bubble gum ice cream is not the same as Mom remembered (no chunks of bubble gum) and really it's more like the old Blue Moon ice cream that Uncle John used to love so much. I ate every bite. It was delicious!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy 3rd Birthday Nicolas

Nicolas turned 3 on St. Patrick's Day!

We went to his birthday party on Sunday. We all got to wear funny green hats. I got to have cake for the 3rd day in a row!! I love cake. Dad says it must be the Treutel in me.
Mom tried to get photos of Nicolas, Erin, and I....everyone kept talking about herding cats.

Party Weekend

We had lots of birthday parties to go to last weekend. First on Saturday evening we went to Chuck E. Cheese for Cassie's 5th Birthday Party. I had lots of fun and hit it big on the Cyclone game (91 tickets!!) .... which amounted to about 91 cents worth of fabulous prizes.

I wasn't so sure about this giant jeep ride at first, but after awhile I was having a great time.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Almost 2 and 1/2

Status report:

I am officially potty trained!! I have even been staying dry at night. This is a small miracle according to Mom and she is constantly reminding herself that it reallly is a step up in the parenting department to be allowed to run the entire length of a store in search of a restroom with a 30 lb. ticking time bomb...only to arrive and find out that I was "just teasing". In any's better than dirty diapers. Hands down.

My current favorite foods are chocolates (thanks Nani!), cracklin' oat bran, fruit rollups, peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches (the "crunch" (crust) is the best part), rice (although I am NOT a fan of rice pudding), mixed nuts (cashews, pecans, and macadamia nuts), hot tea, gummi bears, cantaloupe, and of course: mack-a-Yo-knee (macaroni).

My favorite books right now are:

The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward/Marjorie Flack
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion/Margaret Bloy Graham
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen/Kevin Hawkes

I love to play "Starfall Letters" or "Letters Game" on the computer. Poor Auntie Jamie was subjected to this many times. I also love Elmo games and Peep and the Big Wide World. Oh and every day I check to see if we got another package in the mail. I love to get packages!

I can sing a really cute version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and when we were reading a book about babies the other day at school, Sandy asked each of us if we wanted to have a little baby brother or sister and I told her that I didn't need a baby brother or sister because I have Avery.
So much for Kali and Mingus...apparently cats are cats, but dogs are siblings?
Mom isn't so sure about this logic.
Although I have also recently decided that I enjoy spending time as a cat myself...and when I am a cat, my name is Choo Choo. For fairness sake...I also pretend to be a dog, although not as often. When I am a dog my name is Bongo.
Don't ask...Mom has no idea.

Rocks and Logs on the Beach

We walked on the beach and Auntie Jamie helped me find some really cool rocks. She even let me keep some of the ones she found. I have started an excellent rock and stick collection.

Auntie Jamie is showing me a seagull in this photo.

Day Trip to Deception Pass

We took a trip to Deception Pass on Sunday.

It was a cloudy day but it didn't rain and that's really good weather for springtime in the Pacific Northwest.

Hey Auntie Jamie, you need to wave to the camera like this!

To the Museum

Auntie Jamie, Mom, and I went to the Children's Museum to hang out on Friday. We had a great time. They had a lot of fun things to see and do. I walked through a whale and climbed through the rabbit hole to a silly room where the doors got shorter and shorter (they have an Alice in Wonderland exhibit). We even had tea at the Mad Hatters tea table!

I liked the section with all of the moving parts. There were buttons and levers to push and pull and lots of things to see and noises to make. It's too bad that Mom didn't get instructions from Dad before we left about how to take a photo that isn't all fuzzy...but we will definitely have to come back because we all had a great time!

A Visit From Auntie Jamie

Auntie Jamie came to visit me from Wisconsin and we did lots of fun things. I introduced her to all of my friends at daycare and showed her the cool rainbow I made for St. Patrick's Day.
Here is a photo of Auntie Jamie and me riding in the car.

More Cool Photos from NC

Here are a few more photos Mom found on our camera.