Status report:
I am officially potty trained!! I have even been staying dry at night. This is a small miracle according to Mom and she is constantly reminding herself that it reallly is a step up in the parenting department to be allowed to run the entire length of a store in search of a restroom with a 30 lb. ticking time bomb...only to arrive and find out that I was "just teasing". In any case...it's better than dirty diapers. Hands down.
My current favorite foods are chocolates (thanks Nani!), cracklin' oat bran, fruit rollups, peanut butter and grape jelly sandwiches (the "crunch" (crust) is the best part), rice (although I am NOT a fan of rice pudding), mixed nuts (cashews, pecans, and macadamia nuts), hot tea, gummi bears, cantaloupe, and of course: mack-a-Yo-knee (macaroni).
My favorite books right now are:
The Country Bunny and the Little Gold Shoes by DuBose Heyward/Marjorie Flack
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Corduroy by Don Freeman
Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion/Margaret Bloy Graham
Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen/Kevin Hawkes
I love to play "Starfall Letters" or "Letters Game" on the computer. Poor Auntie Jamie was subjected to this many times. I also love Elmo games and Peep and the Big Wide World. Oh and every day I check to see if we got another package in the mail. I love to get packages!
I can sing a really cute version of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and when we were reading a book about babies the other day at school, Sandy asked each of us if we wanted to have a little baby brother or sister and I told her that I didn't need a baby brother or sister because I have Avery.
So much for Kali and Mingus...apparently cats are cats, but dogs are siblings?
Mom isn't so sure about this logic.
Although I have also recently decided that I enjoy spending time as a cat myself...and when I am a cat, my name is Choo Choo. For fairness sake...I also pretend to be a dog, although not as often. When I am a dog my name is Bongo.
Don't ask...Mom has no idea.

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