We had our Easter egg hunt on Saturday afternoon since the weather forecast for Sunday was calling for rain. I found lots of eggs...and I ate lots of candy. When I say "lots" I really mean it...Mom and Dad pretty much just let me go crazy so I think I spent most of the egg hunt eating jelly beans. When Mom asked me what flavor I was eating, I replied: Jamba

This gives you an idea of how much candy I have had in my short 2.5 years.

Well, that and the fact that I proceeded to puke candy and clam chowder in a projectile fashion only moments after eating my dinner. It was not pretty. But as soon as I got it all out of my tummy I felt a lot better.

Obviously I have rookie parents....who shouldn't have let me eat so much candy all at once.
Notes for next year:
1) Don't allow me to keep eating candy just because my joyous reaction to the sugar consumption is so entertaining.
2) Fill the eggs with more non-candy items that are fun to play with
3) Don't follow up the egg hunt with clam chowder or any other type of cream based dinner
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